Stationery Designing Rule #2

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Ask yourself a real honest question. Do you love your offering?  

If the answer is no. That does not mean you need to close your business. 

That means that you need to work on your business.

Years ago {when I was a wedding planner}  I hired a coach and her stationery looked amazing. And I had to honestly admitted to myself that I had no stationery, branding or visual identity. That changed the entire view of me and my business.  

Before you can sell to your clients, you must be sellable!

Identify your look, from the way you wear your hair to the business cards to pass out.  They must all be cohesive.

Do you need help with your branding or products?  

Book a session with me. ----->  <-----

Today is Silhouette Day!

Monday, May 8, 2017

I'm showing the behind the scenes view of how I make mugs using the Silhouette Cameo. 

Here's a peek into my my coaching session....

Wanna learn 1:1 with me? Coaching are now open! 

Sign up schedule books fast. 
Click on the link in the profile to schedule your sessions now. .

💕 💕

Stationery Designing Rule #1

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

You must know how to spell your industry before you can be a part of your industry. 

Here's a clue..

I design station-e-ry from a station-a-ry position.

Would you go to a professional that couldn't spell their profession?

My coaching session are now open! Please click on the link below to get started!!